
8th of November: date with Mommy

Kris went on a quick one night business trip to Texas so Easton and I decided to make it a fun night of ice cream for dinner (had some tomatos and applesauce later to balance things out:), rented Cars 2, read All of his favorite books etc...just a fun night. But he said many funny things that I have to document so I remember, and I am sure you will get a laugh too.

1): "Mommy, your purse is heavy." I say, "really?" he replies with, "Mommy you're strong!"

2): It was about 6:30 pm and we were in the car headed home after our ice cream cone dinner. "Mommy, I want go to store." I say, "Which store would you like to go to?" He replies, "Starbucks." I literally laughed out loud.

3): The next night we went to his buddy Sophie's birthday party. After her brother Nick said grace, he asked for everyone to go around the table and say something they are thankful for. After everyone went he asked Easton what he was thankful for. Without hesitation, and with gusto he said, "Sophie!"

Oh what a fun age (most days)...I am thankful for this age where he still believes with all his heart that Mommy's kisses can make anything better...


Is it Yummy?

Monika (Kris' sister) was here visiting last week. When she arrived she brought gifts from Seattle and from the grandparents. So she asked Easton, "Would you like to open some gifts? Do you want some presents?" He clearly and quickly replied with, "Is it yummy?" Much laughter followed.


It's the little things...

...that make me love being Mommy to a clever, sweet boy.
That is the most logical place to hang your shades I guess, lots of available hangers!
He is always leaving his little treasures around reminding me of where his imagination took him that morning...looks like today was a yellow muscle car on a tall cliff!


August the 11th

Crime Scene Diagram:

Item #1: ipad
Item #2: toilet on which suspect was placed

On August 11th at approximately 1400 hours the above listed suspect (Easton Emmanuel Eggehorn DOB 12/29/08) entered the bathroom quickly escorted by his mother. Suspect stated that he had been potty training recently and needed to get on the toilet in a hurried manner. The events follow as compiled by the witness and suspect statements. Rushing into the bathroom the mother placed an ipad at position #1 on the floor (ipad was playing a video called Yo Gabba Gabba at the time in order to occupy the suspect during this potty training session) The mother turned to place suspect upon the toilet and immediately turned to pick up ipad off of the floor (she realized that this may be bad placement for an ipad at this time). As she turned to pick it up she noticed that the suspect had already begun to urinate upon the ipad missing the toilet completely. Thanks to the Mother's Jedi knight reflexes the ipad was not harmed (the ipeed....ahem, ipad was later booked into evidence and sanitized thoroughly along with the floor). Suspect was charged with public indecency but the mother did not press any other charges.


June the 20th

I am a little behind in blogging...lots of company and good times lately! Mom (grammy Jan) was here visiting and we were on our way to a shopping center in the car. We drove by an aerospace place that had giant satellite dishes near the road.
Easton inquired with his usual, "that?"
I replied, "satellite dishes."
He gave it a try then I repeated it again, "satellite."
He responed with a plain-as-day, "satellite?"
Mom and I just looked at each other, I praised him for his try at a hard word and said, "wow buddy that was good, that has a lot of syllables!"

He looked at me inquisitively and said, "syllables?"

We better get out our dictionary to find him some bigger words!

Packing up the car

Lately Easton is into packing tiny things into other small things, (please note attached photos)...it is always good to have little pieces of Wheat Thins in your car.


June the 9th

Easton sits in his little Lightning McQueen chair with his milk for his morning Curious George fix. He rubs and itches the back of his head and looks at me annoyed while still itching at the back of his head. With that annoyed look on his face he says, "Bugs mom." "Bugs on hair." then he turns and watches George.

We'll see what else he comes up with today!

June the 8th

My main reason for starting this blog up is that Easton is so funny lately...well he has always been, but I am not a journal-er and would really love to remember some of this stuff somehow! So this is my shot and sharing with you is the cherry on top.

Yesterday on the way home from school Easton from the backseat of the car says, "Mommy?"

I say, "Yes Easton?"

He says, "frogs."

I say, "frogs?????"

He says, "Yeah, frogs."

Well here it goes....

I made this blog a couple years ago just so I could "own" the title...in case I ever wanted to use it! And now that Easton says or does something sooooooo funny almost everyday, maybe I will give it a shot. Mainly to share with friends and family...who are mostly all very far away from all this fun! :) Now that my "CSI" days are on hold, I am coming to realize that my "REAL CSI" days have only begun! The endless supply of good fingerprints on the coffee table provide great practice on rainy days. There's the occasional "projectile," as in vomit or as in something thrown across the room toward the dog or toward my face at Mach 5! There are lots of UV light investigations...i.e. a little blue flashlight we have. E and I climb into the little laundry room with the light, shut the door so it's really dark and look around with the light....you never know what you'll find. So here is my attempt at documenting all of the "cases" I have encountered over the past two years and the ones I hope to encounter in the years to come....as Mommy CSI...mwah ha ha! Enjoy.